Our People

Dr. Ala R. Abbas

Dr. Ala R. Abbas
Title: Professor
Dept/Program: Civil Engineering
Phone: 330-972-8242
Email: abbas@uakron.edu

Dr. Jay Adams

Dr. Jay Adams
Title: Professor of Instruction
Dept/Program: Electrical & Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-7693
Email: jla36@uakron.edu

Mr. Naman Al-Niemi

Mr. Naman Al-Niemi
Title: Professor of Instruction
Dept/Program: Mathematics
Phone: 330-972-7346
Email: alniemn@uakron.edu

Lubica Alabakovska
Title: Manager of Polymer Testing
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-4210
Email: la32@uakron.edu

Mr. Jeremy Albright

Mr. Jeremy Albright
Title: Associate Lecturer
Dept/Program: Mechanical Engineering
Email: jda4@uakron.edu

Mohammed G. Ali

Mohammed G. Ali
Title: Assistant Professor of Instruction
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-4914
Email: mali@uakron.edu

Osama Alkhateeb

Osama Alkhateeb
Title: Assistant Professor of Instruction
Dept/Program: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-8461
Email: oja1@uakron.edu

Dr. William B. Arbuckle

Dr. William B. Arbuckle
Title: Associate Professor Emeritus
Dept/Program: Civil Engineering

Dr. Andreas Aristotelous

Dr. Andreas Aristotelous
Title: Associate Professor
Dept/Program: Mathematics
Phone: 330-972-6817
Email: aaristotelous@uakron.edu

Dr. Henry Astley

Dr. Henry Astley
Title: Assistant Professor of Biology and Polymer Science; BRIC Core Faculty
Dept/Program: Biology
Phone: 330-972-8192
Fax: 330-972-5290
Email: hastley@uakron.edu

Dr. Yousof Azizi

Dr. Yousof Azizi
Title: Senior Lecturer
Dept/Program: Mechanical Engineering
Email: yazizi@uakron.edu

Dr. Justin Baker

Dr. Justin Baker
Title: Associate Professor of Engineering Practice
Dept/Program: Biomedical Engineering
Phone: 330-972-4321
Email: jbaker@uakron.edu

Rosemarie Baldwin

Rosemarie Baldwin
Title: Admin & Student Support Specialist
Dept/Program: Biomedical Engineering
Phone: 330-972-5522
Email: rb96@uakron.edu

Brian Ballou, M.S., P.E.

Brian Ballou, M.S., P.E.
Title: Professor
Program: Construction Engineering Technology
Dept/Program: Civil Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6216
Email: ballou@uakron.edu

Dr. Buket Barkana

Dr. Buket Barkana
Title: Associate Professor and Margaret F. Donovan Chair for Women in Engineering
Dept/Program: Biomedical Engineering
Phone: 330-972-4320
Email: bbarkana@uakron.edu

Dr. Christopher Barney

Dr. Christopher Barney
Title: Assistant Professor
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-4297
Email: barneyc@uakron.edu

Total results: 269