Akron Law news archive
UA experts offer predictions for 2013
From that pesky fiscal cliff to new food trends, economic forecasts, Supreme Court decisions and more options for energy efficiency, our campus experts make a wide range of predictions for what lies ahead in 2013. -
Dec. 17
An Akron Beacon Journal feature story on law student Robert Dewayne Campbell, who is legally blind, is available here . -
Dec. 14
Akron Legal News Showcases Akron Law's Lawyer to Law Student Mentor Program. Text is available here . -
Dec. 12
Professor Jack Sahl is quoted in an Akron Legal News story about a case involving Ohio State football. Text is available here . -
Dec. 10
Professor Bruce Green's lecture on lawyer independence, part of the Miller-Becker Center for Professional Responsibility's Distinguished Lecturer Series, is featured in an Akron Legal News article. Text is available here . -
Akron Law Hosts Legal Writing One-Day Workshop Dec. 7
On Friday, Dec. 7, Akron Law hosted a one-day legal writing workshop. This workshop addressed The Evolving Legal Writing Classroom, focusing on advocacy. Many of the topics appealed to all audiences, including developing a theme within a brief and being an effective advocate within ethical boundaries. Additional topics were of interest to current and aspiring Legal Writing professors, but also helped judges and practitioners develop the skills of the young attorneys with whom they work. For the complete program click here. -
Nov. 15
Professor Will Huhn is quoted in an Akron Beacon Journal story on secession petitions posted on the White House website “We the People” since President Obama’s re-election last week. Read the story here . -
Nov. 12
Professor Bill Rich is quoted in an Akron Beacon Journal story on long lines to vote on Election Day. Text is available here . -
Renowned Ethics Expert Visited Akron Law Nov. 9
On Friday, Nov. 9, Bruce Green, Oppenheim Professor of Antitrust and Trade Regulation Law at Fordham Law School, spoke at Akron Law as a part of the Joseph G. Miller and William C. BeckerCenter for Professional Responsibility’s annual Distinguished Lecturer Series. The lecture was free and open to the public, and one hour of free CLE credit was offered. -
UA "Pay It Forward" Competition Awards $2000 to Local Nonprofit
Professors Gary Spring (UA School of Law) and Bob Chalfant (UA College of Business Administration) have incorporated a “Pay it Forward” service-learning/philanthropy project into their Legal Minefields of Entrepreneurism joint law/MBA class offered at The University of Akron. Through funding the UA Institute for Teaching and Learning received from the United Way of Summit County, the students had $2000 to award to a local nonprofit organization.
Total results: 639