The Association of The University of Akron Retirees
The Challenge of Change
By Harvey L. Sterns, Ph.D., President 2023 – 2025
Harvey L. Sterns, Ph.D.
Wishing everyone a year of growth, success, and satisfaction in the coming year.
Each new year gives us an opportunity to review our past and contemplate the
future. In that way we can review our earlier life experiences and use them to look to the future. This clearly involves the dynamic of change: how we have changed over the years, how the cultural surround has changed, how the significant others in our lives have changed, and how our university has changed over the years.
When I have returned to my alma mater Bard College for reunions (hard to believe this year will be my 60th) long-serving President Leon Botstein reminds alumni that the college we attended is not the same college that exists today. And I might argue that is what we would want to happen, nostalgia aside. In the same way, our university has undergone and is undergoing significant change. Many of us have developed and supported programs for many years, and it is difficult to see them change over time. There are many forces affecting higher education today. Changing demographics, lack of state funding for higher education at appropriate levels, changing needs and wants of students of all ages are some of the issues. In spite of this challenge of change, AUAR wants to support the evolving university.
President Nemer came in December to speak at our holiday lunch. In a note to me he wrote “It was my pleasure to meet with the retiree's group on Wednesday and provide a University update. It’s certainly energizing to know that dedicated UA retirees have a deep concern about this great University.”
AUAR has an important role by providing institutional memory and speaking up for what we believe are important issues. A challenge for the coming Spring will be how to support the University in these changing times. There are still many opportunities on campus--lectures, concerts, plays, sporting events, and performances. There continue to be opportunities for study with the 60-Plus Program and continuing access to the library, recreation center, IT, and discounts at the bookstore.
I want to thank everyone for allowing me to be President for the last two years, and I need to express my sincere thanks to those who have served on the Executive Committee. Richard Steiner will be the next President. Let’s all give him our support. This is another example of change.
Regards to all,